Monday, December 1, 2008

Dude! o_O

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Yeah ok I'm officially weirded out now.
It is the first of December; yay Christmas is coming with winter, cold, snow, ice, rain, sleet, darkness, candles, hot chocolate, gingerbread cookies... or at least that's what I'm used to. I was just looking at the weather forecast back on Fyn: 0-5 degrees, and Nottingham seems to be the same.
We went for a drive today and saw Christmas decorations, in between all of palm trees - and while having the windows rolled down because the sky is blue and it's a balmy TWENTY TWO DEGREES! o_O Yeah that kinda freaked me out a bit.

It's comfortable that you don't have to wear a coat, or a shirt - heck even a T-SHIRT to go out, but still, it does not feel like December. More like early June.

There's not been a lot of updates because we've not been doing a lot of things. Rosie's kidneys have been acting up a lot so we've just stayed in, played computer and watched TV. We will however soon be going to Solvang, a little Danish colony (heck, almosty a theme park it seems) up north of L.A.
I'm looking forward to seeing that, and seeing what kind of Christmas food I can sneak to our table from there. I'll be damned if all I eat on Christmas Eve is tamales! :P


Blogger Karen Hekkelman said...

Hej Jonathan
Ville lige prøve om jeg kunne leave a comment!
Håber Rosie har det bedre nu og gad vide om der er nogen der taler dansk i Solvang?
kh Karen

December 3, 2008 12:13 PM  

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