Monday, October 13, 2008

Fin de semana

October 11th-12th, 2008

We didn't do anything big this weekend, so I'll just throw in some random pictures, mention some of the food I've tried, and drop a few notes such as:

Brendan "Look what I found" (holding a weathered toy)
Jonathan "Dude, what's that in your hair?"
Rosie "Honey, what IS that in your hair?"
Brendan "Oh I've been in a trashcan."

The joys of having a 6 year old around.

Saturday morning we went to a Mexican place for breakfast. Apparently it was a very traditional place that served traditional Mexican food. Rosie's mom and her two sisters go there every Saturday for breakfast, and Rosie and Brendan usually come along as well.
First lesson in traditional Mexican food: hot sauce is good as an appetizer for ALL meals. Thus; tortilla chips and hot sauce for breakfast. Ow. My poor white-boy tummy.
The rest of what we had was not much different from what you'd get at home. Fried eggs, bacon (made the Danish way, not the English), hash browns and pancakes with syrup. Yummy. You could get some "hot" food as well, but no one else ordered it so I didn't feel a great need to expose myself further to possible ridicule.

Orange Juice and hot sauce; goes down smooth. For the record I *did* survive, without a "ring of fire".

I also tried the guava fruit which I hadn't tasted before. You can probably get them in Europe as you can get most things, but I've not seen them before. Here they grow on a tree in Rosie's aunt's garden so we can just go and pluck them. The fruit is very fragrant and has a very sweet and perfumed smell. I was sniffing it for several minutes before I bit into it, it just smelled so good! The taste itself was not nearly as sweet as the smell, and had a slight dry tang to it. I think they would be good in food, but I wouldn't eat them straight off the tree.

Oh that smell, mmmm...

Sunday we headed to an indoor Mexican market in East L.A. ...and I didn't get stabbed or shot or anything! I was however asked to not take pictures inside for no apparent reason. Since they didn't have any signs about it, I did get a few before I was told not to however.
The market is simply, and appropriately, called El Mercado. Apparently half of it had been torn down within the last 4 months, so I didn't get the full experience complete with mariachi's. Bummer. What I did see was pretty cool though, they had a lot of interesting food - a lot of which I wouldn't touch even if threatened with a cattle prod.

Bottom picture to the right: The stuff in the top box is chicharrones AKA pork scratchings or flæskesvær =D Now THAT'S a proper size. They're awesome too, I've not even had them this good in Denmark.

We also found these; Tejocotes - candied quince (kvæder). They're extremely sweet and very very yummy. I'll definitely be getting more of those, they're much like kvædeflæsk.

At the end of the day Rosie took us out for ice cream in East L.A., at Foster's Old Fashion Freeze - the place where Rosie's dad used to take her when she was a kid.


The last video here is just driving down Fairgrove Avenue from the main road, all the way to the house. Not very interesting as such, I just made it for the hell of it.


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