Friday, October 10, 2008


Thursday, October 9th, 2008

We just had a lie-in today. Slept extra long, watched some TV etc. I took a few pictures on the way out as I went with Rosie to pick up Brendan at school (her 6 year old son). Brendan has been doing homework every night instead of weekly as he's done previously, and the teacher wanted to know if Rosie was happy with the way that worked. So we're helping Brendan with his homework every night to make sure it gets done. The problem is actually not that he doesn't know how to do it for the most part, it's that it's near impossible to get him to focus on anything other than Monster Trucks for more than 3 minutes at a time :P
He's very energetic and great fun to be around... if you can follow his chain of thought after the 8th topic change within the space of a minute.

Below are a few pictures of the house on Fairgrove Avenue, inside and out. The driveway actually leads to 3 houses, all owned by members of Rosie's family. The first house on the property is owned by one of Rosie's cousins, Betty, whom I haven't met yet. The second house belongs to her aunt and uncle (Lola and Domingo), and the third house belongs to Rosie's mom Elvira, which is where we're staying.

This above, is Rosie's mom's house
...the garden...
...and the neighbour's banana's.
The living room
Brendan's room
And Elvira's room. Brendan usually sleeps here too, a fact for which Rosie and I are most grateful.


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