Thursday, October 9, 2008

IHOP: The place to kill off unwanted diabetics

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

We mostly just went shopping a lot today. It was pretty nice though because we woke up at 4 AM and stayed up since we'd gone to bed so early. Rosie had been having some PC issues so I fixed that to start out the day, and then at 7 AM we went out for breakfast at IHOP (International House of Pancakes). It was a bit weird to be up and about so early because there were almost no people anywhere as you'll see in the photo's.
We went to Best Buy to grab me a laptop, and some upgrades for Rosie's PC as I'd promised to spice it up a bit when I got here. Also I twisted her arm to buy a new chair at IKEA because her old one is terrible and probably from an age before the word "ergonomic" was invented.
We did a lot of shopping different places, and a lot of driving to and from Best Buy because we constantly forgot stuff, but the funny thing was that we saw a Chorizo (AKA a Mexican Cop) on the way to Best Buy and back... the same cop, 3 times, stopping a new car every time. At least you can't say he was lazy, but I was not about to test his mood by asking him to pose for a picture, so Chorizo-Posing must wait. I'm sure I'll find one loading up on churro's and doughnuts at 7-11 at some point, one who'll be too high on sugar to object.

Random pictures from the streets of La Puente and West Covina as we drove around to the different shops. The whole thing was almost deserted because it was so early.

These two above are of a Target which is a part of a mall in West Covina. This store and mall was not here a year ago, in fact the entire hillside was burned to the ground in the fires last year around this time. It's easy to see that they're used to disasters in this area, it only took a few months after the fires before the first store opened here. Somewhat different speed than what things are done at in England.

The Edward's Cinema devoid of life. Just like Friday nights. (not really)

Someone decorating for Halloween early.


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