Saturday, October 11, 2008

Where the cool kids hang out

Friday, October 10th, 2008

Beach time! I've been in L.A. for all of 3 days so it's about time we headed to Venice Beach (and Muscle Beach to laugh at the beefcakes toppling over due to their disproportionately large upper bodies and tiny legs).

It also gave me a good chance to blind the population of bronze gods and goddesses with my skinny whitey-mac-white, pasty body. Mmmm.

It was only in the early twenty degrees or so and there was quite a strong inland wind, so we didn't go to take a swim, only to take a walk along the beach and the Venice Beach shops.

Miraculously I actually managed to get a slight tan, without any burn! I'm quite happy with that. We might try again during the week, where the temperature should be up in the mid-30's again, with the Santa Anna winds coming in, starting Sunday.

We walked all the way from Muscle Beach to the Santa Monica Pier, it was really nice. By the time we reached the pier it was past 1 PM so we were well hungry (having been up since 4 AM again), so we dropped in at a Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. for lunch. We didn't have anything fancy, we just needed some fuel for the walk back again.

Along the way we observed one of the natives fetching water for her village. Had we had a local guide with us, we are sure they would be able to discern which tribe she belongs to, from the clear markings on her body.

This is the view from the freeway going through an industrial quarter, past Downtown L.A. which is skyscrapers in the background.


Finally a tiny video showing a 360 degree view of the edge between the beach and the shopping strip.


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