Thursday, October 16, 2008


October 14th-15th, 2008

Tuesday Rosie and I went to the L.A. Zoo. It was fairly large but undergoing extensive renovation, so many of the exhibits were closed. Considering the size of the place, there wasn't actually a lot of animals there because of this. Even so it was an excellent trip - the weather was gorgeous, and the zoo itself is beautiful. Palm trees and exotic plants and flowers everywhere, so even without a lot of different animals it made for a great walk.
Unfortunately I had only brought my tele-lens for the camera, so I could only do close-ups which means no shots of the environment. You'll just have to use your imagination ;)

A grumpy meerkat and Reggie the alligator. Reggie has been a real pain in L.A.'s butt for 3 years. He was found in a city lake, and it took over a year to catch him. Steve Irwin visited in the winter and had pledged to come back and give it a shot when the alligator would resurface in the spring, but died before he could make good on that promise.
Since they finally managed to capture him, Reggie has already escaped once.

Ooohooh! ...say it again.
Mufasa, Mufasa, Mufasa!

'Sup foo?

When we got home we decided to go to the drive-in cinema later that evening, woohoo! I've never been to one of those and it seemed kinda mandatory now that I have some extra time in the states. It's a shame it's dying out (there aren't many of them left) because I really liked the experience. You drive up, pay for your tickets, and then you have access to two preset films at the screen of your choice. As soon as your car enters the area, it is able to pick up the soundtrack of the film through the radio at a preset radio frequency, in this case 106.5 MHz. The parking lot is rippled with small hills in the asphalt so you can park uphill and get a good view of the screen. Pretty nifty.
We saw Tropic Thunder, which I'd already seen with Mads and Gina, but Rosie hadn't yet and it bears watching an extra time. It is so damned funny in a completely retarded way, and if nothing else just seeing a balding Tom Cruise shakin' his booty to Ludacris' "Get Back" makes it worth the whole 90 minutes.

Since Wednesday was supposed to be the hottest day of the week (and possibly the hottest day left of the year) we'd decided to go to Huntington Beach for a swim. However when morning came it became clear that we weren't going anywhere, Rosie was not feeling well. To be honest though it fit me fine because it was big patch day in World of Warcraft, so it gave me time to play with that :P
When evening came she wasn't feeling up to cooking, and I rather not burn her mothers house down in an attempt to do so, so we decided to get take-out.
At an earlier date, when Rosie's brother Steve was here, I had suggested going to Taco Bell. A suggestion greeted with the vast, empty and frigid vacuum of deep space, accompanied by two burning stares as if I was caught between two binary star systems of red dwarfs.
...I don't think they like that place very much.
In light of that, I let Rosie suggest a take-out place for taco's. She suggested King Taco, which according to her family is the Mexican taco place of choice because they make it "just like back home".
I went for a classic burrito with minced beef, frijoles and rice, but was also intrigued by the lengua taco; Taco's with tongue. You could also get sheep-head, brain, neck, gizzard and cow brisket, but I decided to try out the tongue today. It's a bit funny because the meat is really nice, it's like somewhere in between beef an liver in taste. The weird thing about it is the texture - it IS tongue. It's spongy and a bit chewy even though it was clearly tender.
To quench our thirst we had Jamaica, which is an iced (in this case) tea made of hibiscus flower. Now that was great. It tasted much like cranberry, dry, but less bitter. This version of it was especially good because they hadn't gone overboard on the sugar so it wasn't excessively sweet. I can imagine it'd be a perfect drink for a hot day, and I can also imagine a million different ways to use it in cocktails ;)
Note to self: must investigate further.


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