Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well it's been a stressful day for a lot of people here, but I just had to make a note on this: Obama won!
We just saw his acceptance speech 5 minutes ago. So far he seems like just what the US needs, but you never know with politicians - we'll see.

Obama: 338
McCain: 155

However nomatter what he will continue to do and not do, I've personally regained some faith in Americans as a people, for actually pulling this off. I'm impressed that they seem ready for this, and are ready to take a step closer to a more socialist society (I'll probably be shot for saying that), closer to those we have in northern Europe. Less focus on capitalism can only be good, considering the current state of the US.
I am not sad to see the back of the republicans, the Bush has been shaved.

I just had to note this down, because it's hilarious. In San Francisco they just voted as to whether they should name a sewage processing plant in "honor" of George W. Bush Jr.
Unfortunately the suggestion was voted down 52/48, whereas Rosie and I thought it would have been very fitting ^_^


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