Thursday, December 18, 2008

Big Bear

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

A quick update before we hit the road.
Earlier this week we went to Disneyland again. I know I didn't blog about it but we went there for Halloween too. Now everything was decorated with Christmas theme, and there was a big parade with walking Christmas trees and all the known characters. Mickey and Minnie was actually on a big floater where they were skating around. Pretty impressive with the floater moving and them being in those big costumes and everything.

It's finally getting colder so it feels more like Christmas. We've had a lot of rain the past few days and a bit of storm... up in the mountains however, it's a completely different story. Up by Big Bear Lake they are waist-deep in snow! It's been an almost continuous blizzard the past few days, and seeing as how we LOVE snow, Rosie and I are going to take an early weekend up there, just the two of us.

This is how Big Bear currently looks (1 picture taken every 5 mins for the past 2 hours), I can't wait! :D

Click for the running animation

So with that I bid you all farewell, as we set off up towards to our rented cabin in the snow covered woods :)
...I just hope we'll figure out how to put on the snow chains :s


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