Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hi all, welcome to my blog :)

I never thought I'd actually become one of them "bloggers" but as it turns out it's the easiest way to share my pictures and day-to-day activities while here in L.A.
At first I wanted to make my own page manually, but then I properly thought about it. I COULD make such a page, but it would take a lot of time. Time in L.A. that could be better spent doing stuff and taking pictures to put ON such a blog. So instead I decided to not re-invent the wheel and just use someone else's.

Quick background for those who don't know:
I'm currently in La Puente in Los Angeles, to visit my girlfriend Rosie who lives here. I'll be staying for an extended vacation until december 29th. It's a great time of year to be here, because there's lots to do and see. Before leaving to go back home to Denmark, I'll have seen Halloween, Thanks Giving, Day of the Dead (a Mexican holiday), and Christmas here. If all goes well we'll also be going to Vegas, San Diego, San Francisco and perhaps Joshua Tree national park.

This page will function as a small diary where I'll post a few pictures and video's along the way, which are not likely to be great art. The pictures I take are just quick snaps with my travel camera, to show where I go and what I see. I'll do a few photo outings with my big camera too, but most of what's posted here will be quick and dirty.
There wont be entries for every day, because I'm not sure it's much fun to read about "we had a lie-in and then went to the mall and that was that day" a million times. I'll include everyday stuff like that, but not all the time.
Feel free to add comments and thoughts, or just a "hi" if you've peeked in :)

So with all of that out of the way - on with the show!
