Thursday, January 22, 2009

Home Wet Home

Well that was it for LA this time. It's been a while really, but I sort of felt that the blog needed a proper "The End" post.
On December 29th I flew back to England where I brutally abused Mads and Gina's generosity and hospitality until January 20th. All my stuff has now been shipped back to Denmark, with myself following close behind.
I've been registered as a Danish citizen once again, and am now looking for a job and apartment, from my base at my parents' house. God it's hard getting used to grey, wet and cold Europe again, after a Los Angeles "winter" involving days of temperatures over 20 degrees.
We're also spending a lot of time looking into how to get Rosie into Denmark. It's a HUGE maze of rules and regulations, and one false step can cause a virtual lockout. Let me tell you though: Denmark does NOT like to take people in from abroad. One would have thought we wouldn't mind letting someone from America with a good education in, but I guess that would make one the fool to expect such a thing.
But, we will find our way through the beaurocracy. We'll manage to get her in somehow - it's not impossible, just very tricky.

I had another reason for writing this post.
Something wonderful has happened in my life, and I just HAVE to share it. Most of you will know that Rosie has been suffering from CML (Chronic Myeleoid Leukemia) - a most terminal form of bone marrow cancer - for the last 2 or so years. It has been very hard for everyone, of course not least so for Rosie.
The doctors are baffled, and we're extatic! They've done primary and secondary blood tests and biopsies, and last week we got the results: all trace of the cancer is gone! The only thing left now is the damage caused by the medication to her red blood cells and her kidneys, but the blood cells should return to normal with treatment now that she can stop taking her cancer medicine.

Rosie will probably beat me up for writing this on the blog, but I had to share it. It's such a big relief to me.

I doubt I'll be updating this blog anymore, as I don't think I have much of interest to write about. No reason to bore people to death with the same everyday stuff you're all experiencing yourselves.
If things change or I go on another extended vacation somewhere exotic sometime, I might just take the blog up again. But until such a time, be well everyone, and thanks for reading! :)